Automated Essay Scoring Feedback (AESF): an innovative writing solution to the Malaysian University English Test (MUET)
Sing, Yii Ng1, Chih, How Bong2, Nung, Kion Lee3, Kian, Sam Hong4.
Recent advances in information and communication technology (ICT)
infrastructure can be harnessed to support and improve the quality of
teaching and learning of English writing skills especially for second
language context where rule based support is necessary. Essay writing
is indeed the most demanding tasks to both teachers and students. From
conducting the class to the assigning of task as well as marking and
providing feedback from teachers, whereas from drafting essays to final
submission and resubmission of essays by students require on-going iterative
cycles to facilitate improvement. However, a common scenario is that the
iterative process takes too much time, thus resulting in limited practice.
An innovative solution to imitate such process is via the Automated Essay
Scoring Feedback (AESF). AESF is a networked tool that has the ability
to score and provide feedback to students’ essays instantaneously. With
the speed that exceeds human ability and accuracy of a human scorer, it is
hoped that AESF can increase the frequency of essay writing in the class
that eventually results in improvement in students’ performance. This paper
aims to highlight the novelty and rationale of having AESF, its design and
features as well as how this tool can be blended into the writing classroom,
particularly for the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) extended
essay writing.
- Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
- Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
- Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
- Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
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