Exploration of nurses' emotions: intensive therapy nurses in Jordan
Mohammed A.H. Almahrouk1.
This study aims to investigate the situations encountered by Jordanian Intensive Therapy Nurses (ITNs)
and to explore the range of emotions experienced by them. Non-participant observation technique is used
to detect situations encountered by ITNs, and interview technique is used to explore the range of emotions
The study was conducted in three different intensive therapy units: Adult Intensive Therapy Unit (AITU);
Paediatric Intensive Therapy Unit (PITU) and Post Cardiac Therapy Unit (PCSU). Observations of
situations and interviews for experienced emotions took place over three weeks.
Twenty different situations revealed fifty-two different emotions. Situations affecting nurses within
intensive therapy units were categorized into five themes: technology; advanced nursing procedures;
nurse-patient relationships; nurse-human relationships and working conditions. The revealed emotions
were categorized into five emotional groups: professional, mutual, self-worth, disparaged and physical
emotional group.
This study was the first phase of the three phases of triangulation methodology, so a recommendation was
made to carry on to the next phase for deeper exploration of nurses' emotions through in-depth interviews.
- Al Ghad College of Applied Medical Sciences, Saudi Arabia
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