Prodqual: an integrated quality approach to food production process and guest satisfaction in hotels
Mohanty, P.P1.
Quality and customer satisfaction are one of the most pivotal pillars in the food service operation. Customer satisfaction is the ultimate objective of the hotels for its future survival and can be achieved from various departments of the hotel. Food production department is one of the most sensitive and integral part where quality food and authentic culinary practices leads to the customer satisfaction and enhance the brand image of the hotel. Quality and customer satisfaction are the essential ingredients of competitive advantage in today’s promising hospitality business. Though SERVQUAL method has been used since long time ago to measure the degree of customer satisfaction and quality of service rendered to the hotel patronage, but no such instrument or tool has been designed so far to measure the quality of food and its preparation in production department of the hotel. Hence the author has devised a PRODQUAL (Production Quality) instrument to monitor, to achieve the quality food production and fulfilling the customer satisfaction through it.
- Siksha O Anusandhan, India
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