Design And Development Of Heavy-Lift Hexacopter For Heavy Payload
Kamarulafizam Bin Ismail1, Abdul Hakim Abdul Rahim2, Fazila Zawawi3.
This work presents a methodology of design for multirotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The problem on the drone are to overcome the stability of the structure and the blade design for the drone. The objective for this thesis are to design and analysis the heavy-lifting Hexacopter drone structure and to measure thrust produce by the designed blade. The method of design and analysis are done by using software SOLIDWORKS in this project to simulate the stress and displacement of the structure of the Hexacopter drone. The load applied on the structure is 350N which include the 20kg of the payload and 10kg of the total weight of the drone. The maximum stress (Von Mises) are obtained for 1mm and 2mm thickness which are 17.63MPa and 13.77MPa respectively. The displacement value for 1mm and 2mm thickness which are 0.73mm
and 0.40mm respectively on the arm attached to the hexagonal hub. The thrust test is obtained on the designed blade of the maximum capability of 3.4kg of thrust at speed of 1500RPM using 105KV motor.
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
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