Sāçaḳlīzāde's risālah waladiyyah: a treatise on the art of disputation for beginners
Md. Asham Ahmad1.
Ādāb al-Baḥth wa al-Munāẓarah arose as a science in the Islamic world at the end of the 7th/13th century. It is a creative synthesis of logic and juridical dialectics, and was known during the classical period as jadal (dialectic), and in jurisprudence as ʿilm alkhilāf. The aim of a munāẓarah is to arrive at the truth by the means of a regulated disputation, in which a proposition and its proof can be cross-examined by the disputants. This article introduces Risālah Waladiyyah by Sāçaḳlīzāde (d. 1737/42), a manual of Ādāb al-Baḥth wa al-Munāẓarah for beginners.
- Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia, Malaysia
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