The significance of online quizzes and gamification inenhancing students’ motivation in diploma in nautical studies
Shamsul Rizal bin Haji Mohd Rosedi1, Mohd Asri bin Md. Sap2, Captain Mazlan Hamid bin Hamzah3, Captain Fariq Fadhli bin Abdul Malik4, Ayu Rita binti Mohammad5.
This study focuses on the use of online quizzes and gamification in enhancing
students’ motivation at the AkademiLaut Malaysia (ALAM), particularly for
Diploma in Nautical Studies programme. This exploratory study aims to
reap the benefits of using learning technologies such as the online quizzes
and gamification in maritime education and training. As the International
Maritime Organisation(IMO) Standards of Training and Certification
for Watchkeeping(STCW) syllabus covers vast areas of sea navigation,
seamanship, safety and shipping (maritime knowledge and competencies),
it is timely to promote digital learning methods in classroom especially
those that could increase students’ motivation in learning. The results of
quantitative study on 152 respondents of first year nautical cadet officers
showed that online quizzes and gamification were the preferred delivery
. methods in classroom compared to other methods used. Finally, the results
of study also proved that online quizzes and gamification were significant
in enhancing students’ motivation. This has a significant impact on current
policy and teaching and learning strategies for Maritime Education and
Training (MET).
- Akademi Laut Malaysia (ALAM), Malaysia
- Akademi Laut Malaysia (ALAM), Malaysia
- Akademi Laut Malaysia (ALAM), Malaysia
- Akademi Laut Malaysia (ALAM), Malaysia
- University of Selangor, Malaysia
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