Correlation Principal Leadership Style with Teacher Motivation in Online Learning During COVID-19
Legowati1, Suad2, Murtono3, Erik Aditia Ismaya4.
The background of this research is the low motivation of teachers in learning during the Covid 19 pandemic. This is thought to be due to the factor of the principal's leadership style that has not been implemented properly. This research aims to find out how much influence the principal's leadership style has on teacher motivation in online learning during Covid-19. This research is a quantitative correlational study that seeks a causal relationship between the principal's leadership style with teacher teaching motivation. The method used is the causal survey method. The population in this study were elementary school teachers in Mranggen District, Demak Regency. The data collection instrument is a questionnaire. Data analysis includes requirements test and hypothesis testing which simple linear regression analysis. The results of this research are there is a significant influence of principal's leadership style on teacher teaching motivation during online learning by 29.1% with a correlation value of 0.543.
- Muria Kudus University, Indonesia
- Muria Kudus University, Indonesia
- Muria Kudus University, Indonesia
- Muria Kudus University, Indonesia
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