AR based user manual for receipt printer configuration
Goh Eg Su1, Tamilarasi A/P Subrumaniam2, Johanna Ahmad3, Noor Hidayah Zakaria4.
Augmented Reality (AR) allows the user to place 3D virtual content to real world environment. By implementing AR technology, the configuration of receipt printer can be taught to the users easily. The users will be able to get the instructions according to the orientation and position of the printer components based on the targeted real-world space and view the step-by-step guidance on configuring the printer in AR. Therefore, the purpose of the project is to develop a mobile application that assists the users to view and learn to configure the printer using AR technology without the need of referring to user manual. There are three phases that have to carry out. Firstly, to conduct a preliminary study on the previous works related to AR user manual to get ideas on the ways to implement AR complementing the traditional user manual purposes. The second phase is to develop an application on related GUI. Lastly, the third phase is to integrate the proposed application with marker-based AR to display instructions based on distance and orientation in real world space. The output of this project has been evaluated through a user testing process on the user acceptance. The usability results show the users are satisfy with AR user manual for printer configuration as compared to the traditional printed user manual. The user acceptance results also show the AR used in this application helps the user in configuring the printer easily.
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
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