The role of fishermen's wife in improving family welfare (Case study in Majapahit Village, South Buton Regency)
R Widihastuti1, A Zulham2.
This study aims to determine the role of fishermen's wives in family welfare and their motives. The study was conducted in Majapahit Village, Batauga district, South Buton Regency. The study was conducted in 2019, using the survey method. Respondents were taken by purposive sampling, namely 35 respondents from a number of 52 small fishing wives with a fleet under 3GT in Majapahit village. Secondary data collection was obtained from the Marine and Fisheries Service of South Buton Regency, while the primary data collection was obtained by distributing questionnaires to a number of 35 respondents of fishermen's wives in Majapahit Village, Batauga district. Data analysis was performed descriptively qualitative and quantitative. The results showed that of the 35 respondents, 9 or 25.7% of fishermen's wives only worked as housewives. While the majority of 26 people or 74.28% of fishermen's wives work in trading. This shows that the participation of the fishermen's wife in helping improve family welfare in Majapahit Village, Batauga District, South Buton Regency has a higher rate, compared to just as a housewife. As input and suggestions from the research area) the need for education regarding the use of raw materials as processed materials which are the main hobby of consumer food in the local village; b) the need for education to family heads and housewives about business financial management that can be used as an effort to improve family welfare; c) diversification of processing activities made from fishery raw materials to increase the sale value of catches.
- Research Centre for Marine and Fisheries Socio Economics, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Research Centre for Marine and Fisheries Socio Economics, Jakarta, Indonesia
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