Psychological capital as a thrust to innovative personality: a focus on education
Nooraini Othman1.
This paper aims to describe the importance of psychological capital and innovative personality development for the creation of a sustainable educational ecosystem. References are made to some relevant Malaysian education policies. In principle, psychological capital and innovative personality are intertwined and inseparable, and the context of educational development in Malaysia is no exception. Numerous policies have been developed by the Ministry of Education in Malaysia. What is profoundly important after every policy development is its effective implementation. Policy analysis is another initiative. This paper aims to investigate psychological capital as a component of holistic human capital that needs to be developed. The innovative personality profile is briefly described. The role of the education sector, and the progress towards the development of a sustainable education ecosystem, finally conclude the paper. The main emphasis is on training and policy enlightenment.
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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