Impact of static var compensator (SVC) installationin power system stability
Mohamed Saleh Ali Nasir1, Siti Amely Jumaat2.
Turbulences and faults in power systems pose adverse challenges. They include power swings, oscillations, loss of synchronism and outages. This circumstance causes power system problems of instability and even collapse. The large disturbances such as a three-phase fault decelerate loads and cause instability to generating units. Further still, continuous demand in electric power system network as well as heavy loading lead to system instability and straining of the thermal limits. Customarily, settled or mechanically switch shunt and series capacitors, reactors and synchronous generators were utilized to solve many problems. However, there are restrictions as to the use of these conventional devices. This paper presents the impact of Static Var Compensator (SVC) installation in power system stability. In this study, the modeling of SVC are developed with parameters: -100MVAR to 100MVAR, 220KV Vrms, L-Lfor stability improvement in power system. The test system of this study is220kV, 50Hz, and 100KVA base in long transmission line. Furthermore, the MATLAB/Simulink software is used to modeling the system in the normal condition with/without of SVC installation and the fault condition of test system. The results for normal condition, the value of voltage and active power are stable with range 0.98p.u to 0.99p.u and 340MWatt to 600MWatt respectively. But for the faults condition, the results are negative for voltage at B2 and B3. When the SVC are installed at B2 and B3,the value of voltage and active power are the same with the normal condition. Based on the results, it demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed SVC on stability improvement in power system.
- Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
- Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
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