Technology usage in time of COVID-19 pandemic among university students: a descriptive study
Nur Hidayah Md Noh1, Nurul Syahida Abu Bakar2, Nadiah Sa’at3, Aimi Athirah Ahmad4.
The world is going through a difficult time due to the presence of
COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has necessitated the use of
online, virtual classrooms in place of face-to-face ones. This raises
concerns about students' ability to adjust to the transition to online
learning, considering their diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. Thus,
it is critical to assess students' experiences with technology adoption
in the current learning environment during a pandemic. The purpose
of this study is to elicit information about students' experiences with
gadgets, internet access, online tools, online class engagement, and
online learning material during open and distance learning in times
of pandemic COVID -19 via the crosstabulation analysis. This study
involved students from two universities and three levels of study:
foundation, diploma, and bachelor. Most foundation students were
living in campus while most diploma and degree students were living
off campus. This situation affects the experience faced by students in
online learning in terms of their engagement, ease of using online tools
and how they access materials. This study suggests that with good
internet connectivity, students' satisfaction with online learning may
rise when they can easily access all course materials, rewatch online
lectures and become actively engaged with learning materials without
lag. Thus, sustaining the quality of online education requires a strong
internet connection that will lead to students satisfactory in online
learning especially to those who are remotely learning online from
- Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Terengganu, Kampus Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
- Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
- Universiti Sains Malaysia, Health Campus, Kubang Kerian, Malaysia
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), Malaysia
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