Pendidikan etika, moral dan integriti dalam Organisasi Sektor Awam di Malaysia
Roslan Mahmood1, Nik Rosnah Wan Abdullah2.
This study assesses the performance of education in ethics, moral and integrity in public sector organizations. The study seeks to answer the question: Do public sector organisations optimise their commitment and capacity in discharging their responsibilities to strengthen the education of ethics, moral and integrity among public officials? The research is designed using qualitative approach by employing a case study to illustrate the degree of commitment and capacity of the public sector organisation in discharging those responsibilities. The data for the study is obtained through face-to-face key informant interview (semi-structured interview techniques) as well as focus group discussion with respondents in four government agencies at the Federal level. The findings of the study are not encouraging. The researchers offered suggestions towards the management of education of ethics in public sector organizations.
- Not Indicated, Not Indicated
- Not Indicated, Not Indicated
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