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Kajian Palinologi di Sekitar Kuala Kangsar, Perak (A Palynological Study of Area Around Kuala Kangsar, Perak)
Uyop Said1.
This study mainly deals with the occurrence of palynomorph assemblage in the Tertiary and younger sediments from Kuala Kangsar area which were mapped by previous workers. The Tertiary sediment is interpreted to be deposited in small isolated basins and can be found through drilling. As other Tertiary sediments in the Malay Peninsula, they are seldom exposed. The age of the sediment from Kuala Kangsar area is interpreted to be Tertiary as it has similarities in lithology and sedimentary structures as those from other areas such as Batu Arang, Selangor. Palynological information can be utilized in interpreting the age and sedimentary environment of this sediÂment. Several localities were chosen to be drilled to get samples for palynological study. These samples were processed and based on the normal palynological preparation technique. They were treated by hydrofluoric acid and nitric acid and followed by acetolysis for most of the samples to remove the cellulose. The observed palynomorph assemblage consists of younger age of pollen and spores (Quaternary-Recent). The dominant palynomorphs are those derived from shrub type plants (Ilex, Camnosperma, Gramineae and Palaquium) which normally dominating the river and swamp areas.
Kajian ini mengkhusus kepada kehadiran palinomorf dalam bantuan sedimen berusia Tertiar dan lebih muda di sekitar Kuala Kangsar yang telah dipetakan oleh pengkaji terdahulu. Batuan ini telah ditafsirkan terendap dalam lembangan-lembangan kecil yang dikenalpasti melalui penggerudian. Seperti batuan seusia ditempat-tempat lain di Semenanjung Malaysia, batuan sedimen Tertiar di sekitar Kuala Kangsar jarang tersingkap ke permukaan. Persamaan jenis litologi dan struktur sedimen dari lembangan lain seperti di Batu Arang, Selangor dijadikan asas dalam penentuan usia batuan di sini. Maklumat palinologi dapat digunakan dalam mentafsir usia dan sekitaran pengendapan batuan ini. Beberapa lokaliti telah dipilih dan dilakukan penggerudian untuk mendapatkan sampel bagi kajian palinologi. Kesemua sampel telah diproses mengikut teknik penyediaan sampel palinologi yang lazim iaitu menggunakan asid hidrofluorik dan asid nitrik serta kebanyakan sampel yang diproses telah melalui proses asetolisis untuk membersihkan daripada bahan-bahan selulos sebelum dibuatkan slaid. Himpunan palinomoif yang dikenalpasti daripada sampel yang dikaji merupakan palinomoif berusia muda (Kuaterner-Resen). Debunga yang paling dominan terdiri daripada debunga yang dihasilkan oleh tumbuhan renek (Hex, Camnosperma, Gramineae dan Palaquium) yang lazimnya tumbuh dipinggir paya dan sungai.
- Not Indicated, Not Indicated
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MyJurnal (2021) |
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Web of Science (SCIE - Science Citation Index Expanded) |
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JCR (1.009) |
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Q4 (Multidisciplinary Sciences) |
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JCI (0.15) |
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Scopus 2020 |
Impact Factor
CiteScore (1.4) |
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Q2 (Multidisciplinary) |
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SJR (0.251) |