Hybrid similarity measure in smartlp: a case based system in lesson planning
Aslina Saad1, Chung Paul, W. H2, Dawson Christian, W3.
Planning for teaching imposes a significant burden on teachers as they need
to prepare different lesson plans for different classes according to various
constraints such as students’ ability and previous knowledge. SmartLP, a casebased
lesson planning system, has been implemented as a means of assisting
teachers in constructing quality lesson plans more quickly and efficiently.
SmartLP applied Case Based Reasoning (CBR) approach which consists of the
following processes; retrieve, reuse, revise and retain within its cycle. CBR is
the process of solving new problems based on the solutions of similar past
problems. The first and most crucial step of solving new problem in CBR is the
process of retrieval relevant cases from the case base. There are several factors
that affect case retrieval such as similarity measure, indexing approach and all
techniques within the approaches. Both computational (measures of similarity)
and representational approaches were used for case retrieval in SmartLP which
is done via lesson plan searching. There are five types of search in SmartLP;
Advanced Search, Hierarchical Search, Search by Browsing, Boolean and
Basic search. In Advanced Search, a hybrid approach; combination of distance
based (computational) and representational was applied for case retrieval. In
addition, each indexed element is assigned with certain number to indicate
their relative importance as a terms weighting mechanism. Terms expansion
within semantic approach was implemented in Hierarchical Search, based on
lesson plan ontology. In Search by Browsing, the search terms are organised
in general to specific manner which also derived from lesson plan ontology.
Boolean search applied Boolean concept while Basic Search is a general search
with exact search keywords. This paper presents the retrieval methods in
SmartLP via five types of search.
- Loughborough University, United Kingdom
- Loughborough University, United Kingdom
- Loughborough University, United Kingdom
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