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Law, Policy, and Social Science |
Discipline(s) / Subdiscipline(s):
1. Arts & Humanities - History - Languages & linguistics - Literature - Performing arts - Philosophy - Religion - Visual arts
2. Social Sciences - Anthropology - Archaeology - Area studies - Business & administration - Cultural and ethnic studies - Economics & finance - Education & educational research - Gender studies - Geography - Law - Library and Information Science - Political science - Psychology - Sociology - Media & communication
E-ISSN: 2948-3964 Publisher: Intelligentia Resources Publication type: Electronic Publication frequency: 2 time(s) per year Journal Website:
Phone: 01140739053 Email:
Law, Policy, and Social Science (E-ISSN: 2948-3964) is a refereed journal published and managed by Intelligentia Resources. It is published twice a year, in June and December. The main objective of its publication is to provide an appropriate channel for information and research publication, case studies and book reviews related to Law, Policy, and Social Science based on original research and ideas by the respective authors.
The journal serves as a platform for sharing ideas and experiences related to the research, development and application of Law, Policy, and Social Science worldwide. The editorial board welcomes original contributions (written in Bahasa Melayu, English and Arabic) which have never been published or considered for publication by any other publishers. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines:
Laws: Civil Law, Economics and Financial Law, Human Right Law, Public Law, Islamic Law, Contract Law, Consumer Law, Comparative Law, Commercial Law, Competition Law, Constitutional Law, Environmental Law, Family Law, Medical Law, Private Law, Social Policy and Social Legislation, Legal Education, Criminology and other related fields.
Social Sciences: Arts, Behavioral Sciences, Culture, History, Islamic, Language, Counseling, Humanities, Organizational Behavior, Philosophy, Psychology, Politics and other related fields. Manuscripts and all correspondence should be sent to the Managing Editor, via online submission system (OJS). This journal subscribes LOCKSS and CLOCKSS archival system.
Law, Policy, and Social Science
Editorial Board
Managing Editor
- Ahmad Syukran Baharuddin, Ph.D: Scopus ID: 57211574534, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia
Editorial Board
- Lutfullah Saqib, Ph.D: Scopus ID: 56038806600, Department of Law and Shariah , University of Swat, KPK, District Swat, Pakistan
- Tarek Husain Abdullah Abu Amied, Ph.D: Libya
- Rabah Sulaiman Khaleefah, Ph.D: Department of Law, College of Law and Political Science, University of Kirkuk, Kirkuk, Iraq
- Wan Abdul Fattah Wan Ismail, Ph.D: Faculty of Syariah and Law, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia
- Muhammad Sobri Faisal, Ph.D: Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UiTM) Segamat, Johor, Malaysia
- Mohammad Fahmi Abdul Hamid, Ph.D: Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UiTM) Alor Gajah, Melaka, Malaysia
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