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AFKAR : Journal of Aqidah and Islamic Thought

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AFKAR : Journal of Aqidah and Islamic Thought


Discipline(s) / Subdiscipline(s):

     1. Arts & Humanities
         - Religion
         - Philosophy

E-ISSN: 2550-1775
Print ISSN: 1511-8819
Publisher: University of Malaya
Publication type: Print & Electronic
Publication frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Journal Website: https://ejournal.um.edu.my/index.php/afkar

Contact Info

AFKAR : Journal of Aqidah and Islamic Thought
Department of `Aqidah and Islamic Thought
Academy of Islamic Studies
University of Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-7967 6098
Faks: 03-7967 6142

Email: afkar@um.edu.my zarrina@um.edu.my

Afkar adalah jurnal dwi tahunan antarabangsa yang dinilai, diterbitkan oleh Jabatan Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Ia menerbitkan makalah dan kajian ilmiah berkaitan Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam merangkumi bidang kalam, falsafah, tasawwuf, perbandingan agama, mantik dan pemikiran Islam di Alam Melayu dalam Bahasa Melayu, Inggeris dan Arab.

Afkar is an international peer reviewed journal published twice a year by the Department of `Aqidah and Islamic Thought, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. It publishes articles and research papers concerning `aqidah and Islamic thought, particularly Kalam, philosophy, Tasawwuf, comparative religions, logic and Islamic thought in the Malay World in Malay, English and Arabic.



Assoc. Prof. Dr Che Zarrina Sa`ari -University of Malaya

Editorial Board

Editorial Board
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr Mohd Fauzi Hamat - University of Malaya
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr Khadijah Mohd Khambali @ Hambali - University of Malaya
  • Dr Syed Mohammad Hilmi Syed Abdul Rahman - University of Malaya
  • Dr Faizuri Abd. Latif - University of Malaya
  • Dr Wan Adli Wan Ramli - University of Malaya
  • Dr Azmil Zainal Abidin - University of Malaya
  • Dr Ali Gobaili Saged - University of Malaya
  • Dr Mohd Khairul Naim Che Nordin - University of Malaya
  • Dr Abdul Naser Sultan Mohsen Sallam - University of Malaya

    Managing Editor
  • Mohd Khairul Naim Che Nordin

    Project Officer
  • Mohd Salleh Sa`ari

    Associate Editorial Board
  • Prof. Dato` Zakaria Stapa - National University of Malaysia
  • Prof. Dr Muhammad Zainiy Uthman - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Prof. Dr Yasien Mohamed - University of the Western Cape, South Africa
  • Dr Adi Setia Muhammad Dom - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Dr Mohd Zaidi Ismail - Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia
  • Dr Mohd Sani Badron - Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia
  • Prof. Dr Abdulhakeem Yousuf Al-Khelaifi - Qatar University, Qatar
  • Assistant Prof. Dr Edward R. Moad - Qatar University, Qatar
  • Dr Muhammad Rifa`i Muhammad Amin - Qatar University, Qatar
  • Dr S.S. Scatolini Apostolo Abdulsalam - Al-Musanna College of Technology, Oman
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr Wan Suhaimi Wan Abdullah - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Dr Haji Norarfan Zainal - Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, Brunei
  • Prof. Dr Abdel Aziz Berghout - International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr Noor Shakirah Mat Akhir - Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Dr Tengku Sarina Aini Tengku Kasim - University of Malaya
  • Dr Mohd Anuar Mamat - Islamic Science University of Malaysia
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr Kamaluddin Nurdin Marjuni - Islamic Science University of Malaysia
  • Prof. Dr Tobroni Ahmad Sahli - Universitas Muhamadiyyah Malang, Indonesia
  • Prof. Dato` Dr Mohd Fakhrudin Abdul Mukti - Kolej Universiti Insaniah

    International Advisory Board
  • Prof. Dato` Dr Osman Bakar - Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei
  • Prof. Dr Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Prof. Tan Sri Dr Mohd Kamal Hassan - International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Prof. Dr Hasan Mahmud `Abd al-Latiff al-Shafe`i - Cairo University, Egypt
  • Prof. Dr Ahmad Muhammad al-Tayyib - University of Al-Azhar, Egypt
  • Prof. Dr Seyyed Hossein Nasr - The George Washington University, United States of America
  • Prof. Dr Hamed Taher - Cairo University, Egypt
  • Prof. Dr Alparslan Acikgenc - Fatih University, Turkey
  • Prof. Dr Bannacer el Bouazzati - Mohamed V University, Morocco
  • Prof. Dr Mehdi Mohaghegh - University of Tehran, Iran
  • Prof. Dr Roshdi Rashed - Centre d’Histoire des Sciences et des Philosophies Arabes et Mediavales, CNRS, France
  • Prof. Dr `Ali Jum`at - University of Al-Azhar, Egypt
  • Prof. Dr Abdel Hamid Madkour - Cairo University, Egypt
  • Prof. Dr Deen Muhammad Muhammad - Qatar University, Qatar



    Manuscripts should be unpublished original research on the themes of Islamic Theology (`aqidah) and Islamic Thought such as Kalam, philosophy, Sufism (Tasawwuf), comparative religions, logic, Islamic sects (firaq) as well as Islamic Thought in the Malay world.

    Manuscripts should be prepared on A4 size white paper with 3 cm, 2.5 cm, 2.5 cm and 2 cm margins from the top, bottom, left and right respectively.

    Centred at the top of the first page of a manuscript should be the complete title of the manuscript, name(s) of author(s) affiliation(s), mailing and email address(es), then the abstract under the heading ABSTRAK (in Malay) and ABSTRACT (in English) (in Times New Roman, 10 points), not exceeding 200 words, keywords under the heading Kata kunci: (in Malay) and Keywords: (not more than five keywords, in bold, Times New Roman, 10 points) and followed by the text.

    The text should be typed and single-spaced, using Times New Roman font version 5 and above for Roman characters, including the transliteration, while Traditional Arabic font 16 should be used for Arabic or Jawi characters. Paragraphs should be separated by double spacing.

    Please upload the template here.

    1.1 Language Used
    Manuscripts must be written in English or Malay. Article in Arabic Languange can also be considered.

    1.2 Figures and Tables
    A figure, table and illustration should be placed on the same page as far as possible, otherwise it may be placed on the immediate following page.

      1.2.1 Label of Figures
      A figure, photo and illustration should be labelled with “Fig.” and a table with “Table”. It must be assigned an Arabic numerals as figure or table number; the figure number and title, and the table number and title should be placed on top of the figure and table. the source of the figure and table, if applicable, should be palced below the figure and the table. The first letter of the title should be in capital letter. Figure, photo, illustrations and tables should be placed in the middle of the page between left and right margins.

    1.3 Sections and Subsections
    Sections and subsections should be given the titles respectively. Capital letters should be used for the section titles. For subsections, the first letter of each word should be in capital letter, followed by small letters.

    1.4 Length of Manuscript
    Each manuscript should not exceed 20 pages (in single spaced) including illustrations, and tables and reference. The page number should be written at the lower center of each page.

    1.5 Footnotes
    Each manuscript should use only a footnote system, and neither an in-text note nor an endnote. The footnote should follow the 16th Chicago Style (http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html) The footnote should be typed and single-spaced, using Times New Roman font 10, and should be noted with numbers 1, 2, 3 respectively (which can be created by clicking Insert Footnote on the References tab in Microsoft Word).

    1.6 Transliteration
    Each manuscript should use Transliteration in the Romanisation of Arabic words. The transliteration should follow the Romanisation style of American Library Association - Library of Congress or ALA-LC Romanisation Tables (http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/roman.html;http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/romanization/arabic.pdf).

    1.7 References
    References of each manuscript should follow the 16th Chicago Style (http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html)

    References should be noted with numbers 1., 2., 3. and typed and single-spaced, using Times New Roman font 12, and placed it below the text of the manuscript.

    1.8 Author’s Biography
    The author should give his/her short profile including his/her name, academic achievements, affiliations to professional bodies and working experience within 100 words at the end of the manuscript. This author’s biography should be typed and single-spaced and placed it below the references under the heading BIOGRAPHY.


      Muhammad Hassan Abdul Karim obtained his PhD from University of Malaya in 1986 in Philosophy of Religion. Currently, he is a lecturer at the Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya. His research areas include philosophy of religion, comparative religion and psychology of religion. He has published a number of papers related to these areas. He is also an affiliate member of BRISMES since 1990.

    The author must ensure that the submitted manuscript has never been published before and assume full responsibility for the contents of the manuscript.

    2.1 Submission
    The manuscript should be submitted in the digital file form "*.doc" which would be compatible for the computer application Microsoft Word 2010. Submission should be e-mailed to afkar@um.edu.my.

    3.0 POLICY
    Every article contributed will be reviewed at least by one reviewer from our editors or co-editors. The journal, due to certain occasions, has a right to sent it to the outside reviewer.

    The published manuscript shall be a copyright of the Department of Aqidah and Islamic Thought, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. It can be reprinted with a proper acknowledgement that it was published in Afkar.

    The published manuscript would not represent the stand or opinion of the Advisory Board, Editorial Board, Co-Editorial Board and the Management Team of Journal of Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam (AFKAR), or the Department of Aqidah and Islamic Thought, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya.

    A complimentary copy will be distributed to the author whose manuscript(s) is (are) published in this journal.
      Journal Coverage

    Indexed by MyJurnal (2021)
    H-Index 2
    Immediacy Index 0.000
    Rank 0
    Indexed by Scopus 2020
    Impact Factor CiteScore (0.1)
    Rank Q3 (Religious Studies)
    Q3 (Philosophy)
    Additional Information SJR (0.154)

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