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VCare For Life Sciences Journal

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VCare For Life Sciences Journal


Discipline(s) / Subdiscipline(s):

     1. Sciences
         - Life sciences
         - Biological sciences
         - Environmental science

     2. Medical & Health Sciences
         - Medicine
         - Immunology and Microbiology
         - Neuroscience
         - Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics

Print ISSN: 2231-9522
Publisher: VCareForLife Pvt.Ltd
Publication type: Print
Publication frequency: 4 time(s) per year
Journal Website: http://www.vcareforlife.org/vcfl-science-journal/introduction

Contact Info

Dr Vasudeva Murthy
A-6-19, Sri alam Condominium
Jalan kelab Golf Sultan
13/1, Section 13
Shah Alam-40100

Email :

Vcare For Life Sciences Journal is designed specifically as a medium for primary scientific research. It is also suitable for the publication of reviews, mini-reviews, opinion pieces, hypothesis papers, commentaries, essays or other items of secondary literature. Commissioned reviews, synthesis and commentary articles are considered but only where they form part of an agreed collection. The number, format and prospective authors of these articles are defined by the VCare for Life Sciences Journal Editorial Board.

VCFL Sciences Journal will be published four times in a year and is an open accessed, peer reviewed scholarly journal, and publishes original research articles, technical advances and study protocols in all the areas of life sciences and medical sciences.

The VCFL Sciences Journal focuses on original works in the field of science which mainly includes: Affective neuroscience, Anatomy, Behavioral Science, Biomedical science, Biochemistry, Biocomputers, Biodynamics, Bioinformatics, Biology, Biomaterials, Biomechanics, Biomonitoring, Biopolymers, Botany, Cellbiology, Cognitiveneuroscience, Computational-neuroscience, Developmental biology, Ecology, Environmental science, Evolutionary biology, Evolutionary genetics, Food science, Genetics, Genomics, Health sciences, Immuno genetics, Immunology, Immuno therapy, Marine biology, Medical devices, Medical imaging, Microbiology Molecular biology, Neuroscience, Oncology, Optometry, Parasitology, Pathology, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacology, Physiology, Plantsciences, Proteomics, Sociobiology, Sportsscience, Structuralbiology, Systems biology, Zoology



Dr. P.G. Bagali

Editorial Board

V Care for Life
Medical and Healthcare services private limited

Executive Editor
  • Dr. C.R.V. Murthy

Associate Editor
  • Dr. H.S. Naik

Editorial Board Members
  • Dr. Vijay Kumar (Env.Health/UK)
  • Dr. Sampath Kumar (Family Medicine/ USA)
  • Dr. Ngin Cin Khai ( Immunology / Japan)
  • Dr. Shivaprasad (Physiology/USA)
  • Dr. Sreenivasa Jayachandra (Physiology/Malaysia)
  • Dr. Mallikarjuna MS (ENT/India)
  • Dr. Harshavardhana (Microbiology/India)
  • Dr. Than Win (Medicine/ Myanmar)
  • Dr. Abdul Hameed (Pathology/Libya)
  • Dr. Ramana Gouda (Veterinary Science/USA)
  • Dr Manjunath S (Biochemistry/India)



Submission Process:
Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript, and should not be submitted by anyone else apart from authors of the manuscript on their behalf. The submitting author takes responsibility for the article during submission and peer review. To facilitate rapid publication and to minimize administrative costs, VCFL Sciences Journal accepts only online submission. No Hard copy will be required.

Covering Letter:
It is important to include the covering letter with your manuscript. Please explain why manuscript is suitable for publication in VCFL Sciences Journal. How does your paper provide a worthwhile addition to the scientific literature? How does your paper relate to previously published work? Which types of scientists do you believe will be most interested in your study

For any assistance with the process of manuscript preparation and submission refer to the inaugural issue online or write to our editorial office at journal@vcareforlife.org.

Invitation to submit papers:
A general invitation is extended from the editorial board to all the authors to the submit papers for publication in VCFL Sciences journal.

The following guidelines should be noted:
§ The article must be send by E-mail in word submitted online or an only as attachment to our editorial office at journal@vcareforlife.org or can be uploaded online. Hard copy need not be send.
§ The article should be accompanied by a declaration form signed and scanned by from all authors that it is an original work and has not been sent to any other journal for publication.

As a policy matter, journal encourages articles regarding new concepts and new information.
  Journal Coverage

Indexed by MyJurnal (2021)
H-Index 0
Immediacy Index 0.000
Rank 0

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