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MALIM : Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara (SEA Journal of General Studies)

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MALIM : Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara (SEA Journal of General Studies)


Discipline(s) / Subdiscipline(s):

     1. Arts & Humanities
         - History
         - Philosophy

E-ISSN: 2289-5183
Print ISSN: 1511-8398
Publisher: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Publication type: Print & Electronic
Publication frequency: 1 time(s) per year
Journal Website: http://ejournal.ukm.my/malim

Contact Info

MALIM - Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara
Pusat Citra Universiti
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor

Email: jmalim@ukm.edu.my

MALIM: South East Asian (SEA) Journal of General Studies is an open access, indexed and refereed journal published by Pusat Citra Universiti (CITRA UKM). The journal provides a platform for discussion on the broad areas of general and interdisciplinary studies. The journal is committed to publish original research articles and systematic reviews in English and Malay on contemporary and emerging issues in the following areas:

  • Values, Ethics, Religion and Philosophy
  • Civilizations, Ethnic Relations, Arts and Humanities
  • Science, Technology, Sustainability and Society
  • Education, Language and Management
  • And other areas related to general and interdisciplinary studies.



    Latifah Amin, Pusat Citra Universiti, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia

    Editorial Board

    Editor / Editors:
  • Zurina Mahadi, Pusat Citra Universiti, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Maznah Ibrahim, Pusat Citra Universiti, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Normazidah Che Musa, Pusat Citra Universiti, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Azwira Abdul Aziz, Pusat Citra Universiti, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Burhan Che Daud, Centre for Language Studies and Generic Development, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia
  • Samsudin Suhaili, Department of Social Studies and Citizenship, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Malaysia

  • International Advisory Board:
  • Abdul Latif Samian, Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu (ATMA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Allan B I Bernardo, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau, Macao
  • Kenichi Namai, School of International Liberal Studies, University of Waseda, Japan
  • Khaidzir Ismail, Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Khairul Anwar Mastor, Pusat Citra Universiti, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Ramzah Dambul, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation), Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
  • Roosfa Hashim, International Islamic University Malaysia (UIAM), Malaysia
  • Roslan Abd Shukor, School of Applied Physics Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia




    The Journal publishes manuscripts written in the Malay and English languages. Any submission for publication implies that it is an original contribution and must not have been previously published or is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Starting 1st March 2019, all submissions must be made through this Online Submission System.

    Format and Style
    The manuscript must be submitted in Microsoft Word format with A4 setting. It should be typed with font size 12, in single spacing, single column with wide margins. The full research or systematic review manuscripts should not exceed 8,000 words, with not more than 6 figures and 6 tables.
    The necessary sections in the manuscript comprise of Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References. The abstract should include 3 to 5 keywords.

    Title Page
    A separate title page should consist of the title, author(s) names, affiliations, full institution addresses and emails of corresponding authors. The title of the manuscript should be concise, descriptive and preferably not exceeding 15 words.

    The manuscript must be presented with an abstract that describes its main points within 150 to 250 words. For Malay language manuscripts, titles, abstracts and keywords in English should be provided. For the manuscript template, please click on the link provided below. http://ejournals.ukm.my/malim

    Figures, Tables and Illustrations
    All illustrations including figures, charts and graphs must be labelled and supplied on separated pages from the text. The desired placement in the text should be clearly indicated. These illustrations should be referred to and numbered in serial, as do the figures. All illustrations should be provided in a camera ready form. Lengthy but essential information such as questionnaires is to be presented in an appendix. Should there be more than one appendix, label each one alphabetically: APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, etc. In the text, refer to appendixes by their labels (e.g. Appendix A). Provide each appendix with a title.

    In-Text Citation
    All entries in the reference list must be cited in the text. Cited references in the text should use the author-date method [e.g. Ahmad (1998)]. If a work has up to three authors, always cite their names every time the work is referred to in the text. If a work has more than three authors, include only the name of the first author followed by “et al.” and the year whenever the work is published. Page numbers should be provided when specific arguments or findings of authors are paraphrased, summarised, or directly quoted. For parenthetical citations of two or more works, use alphabetical ordering. Separate each cited work by semicolons.

    Reference Style
    An alphabetically ordered reference list is to be included at the end of the manuscript. All cited references in the text must appear in the list. The accuracy and completeness of information in the references are the responsibility of the authors. The reference should follow the Chicago 15B Manual of Style (https://web.library.uq.edu.au/files/26556/chicago15B-style-guide.pdf). The reference style adopted should be consistent throughout the manuscript. Footnotes are not recommended. Endnotes on the other hand should only be used if it is absolutely necessary and must be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript with superscript Arabic numerals.

    Publication Frequency
    MALIM Journal currently publishes once a year in September but will increase the numbers when there are sufficient submissions.

    Submission Method
    All manuscripts should be submitted online at the journal’s website or emailed to the Editor-in –Chief. E-mail: jmalim@ukm.edu.my

    Review Process
    Manuscripts will be reviewed double blind by independent referees. The evaluation will be based on its appropriateness with the MALIM journal’s scope and contribution to the discipline, cogency of analysis, conceptual breadth, clarity of presentation and technical adequacy.

    One set of proof will be sent to the corresponding author to be checked for errors and it is the responsibility of the author(s) to submit corrections to the Editorial Board.

    Open Access
    The journal is open access and is freely available online to support a greater global access to knowledge. Currently, there is no publication fee.

    Special Issues
    Special issues on related topics are welcome. Please contact the Editor-in-Chief. E-mail: jmalim@ukm.edu.my
      Journal Coverage

    Indexed by MyJurnal (2021)
    H-Index 3
    Immediacy Index 0.000
    Rank 0

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