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CREAM : Current Research in Malaysia (Penyelidikan Terkini di Malaysia) |
Discipline(s) / Subdiscipline(s):
1. Arts & Humanities - History
2. Social Sciences - Education & educational research - Sociology - Economics & finance
3. Sciences - Mathematics & statistics
4. Medical & Health Sciences - Medicine
5. Engineering & Technology - Computer sciences - Engineering
E-ISSN: 2289-5191 Print ISSN: 2231-8305 Publisher: Ministry of Education Malaysia Publication type: Print & Electronic Publication frequency: 4 time(s) per year
Bahagian Perancangan Penyelidikan Dan Penyelarasan Dasar
Ministry of Education
Level 13, No. 2, Tower 2,
Road P5/6, Precinct 5,
62200 Putrajaya
E-mail :
CREAM is published quarterly by The Ministry of Education, Malaysia (four issues a year). It contains articles on Social Sciences and Humanities, ICT, Technology and Engineering, Pure and Applied Sciences and Health and Clinical Sciences.
The primary purpose of this journal is to act as a channel for the publication of research works undertaken under various Ministry of Education research grants.
Professor Dr. Md Salleh Yaapar
Editorial Board
Editorial Board / Sidang Editor
- Abdul Ghafar Ismail (Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Khairul Anwar Mastor (Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Chan Ngai Weng (Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Ahmad Kamal Idris (ICT, Technology and Engineering)
- Md Najib Ibrahim (ICT, Technology and Engineering)
- Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud (ICT, Technology and Engineering)
- Azizan Baharuddin (Pure and Applied Sciences)
- Mashitah Mohd. Yusoff (Pure and Applied Sciences)
- Ibrahim Che Omar (Pure and Applied Sciences)
- Abdul Jalil Nordin (Health and Clinical Sciences)
- Mak Joan Wah (Health and Clinical Sciences)
International Advisory Board / Sidang Penasihat Antarabangsa
- Leonard Andaya (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
- Masato Koda (University of Tsukuba)
- Carl Ernst (University of North Carolina)
- Ali Sayigh (World Renewable Energy Network)
- Timothy Church (Washington State University)
- Danny Quah (University of London)
- Hsiang-te Kung (University of Memphis)
- Ben R. Martin (University of Sussex)
- Zakri A. Hamid (National Professors Council Malaysia)
- Shamsul Amri Baharuddin (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
- Tashio Fukuda (Nagoya University)
Managing Editor
CREAM : Current Research in Malaysia (Penyelidikan Terkini di Malaysia) is a refereed journal committed to the advancement of scholarly knowledge and research findings. It contains articles on;
- Social Sciences and Humanities;
- ICT, Technology and Engineering;
- Pure and Applied Sciences; and
- Health and Clinical Sciences
CREAM publishes scholarly research articles, review articles, technical reports and research notes whose content and approach are of interest to a wide range of scholars. Articles are published in Malay or English. The journal is published by an autonomous Editorial Board drawn from prominent universities in Malaysia. In addition, distinguished scholars from local and foreign universities are appointed to serve as advisory board members and referees. The primary purpose of this journal is to act as a channel for the publication of research works undertaken in Malaysia under various Ministry of Education research grants.
The journal publishes manuscripts written in the Malay and English language. Manuscript submitted to the journal for publication should be original contribution and must not have been previously published or is under consideration simultaneously by any other publication. Two copies of the manuscript, typed with double spacing, single column and font size 12 on A4 paper not exceeding 15 pages. An author(s) whose manuscript has been accepted for publication will be required to send a hard copy as well as the electronic file of the final edited version of the manuscript. While a manuscript is under consideration, be sure to inform the editor of any change in address. All correspondence pertaining to articles and related matters should be addressed to :
Editor-in-Chief CREAM
Bahagian Perancangan Penyelidikan dan Penyelarasan Dasar
Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia
Aras 13, No. 2, Menara 2
Jalan P5/6, Presint 5
62200 Putrajaya
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