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Asia-Pacific Journal of Molecular Medicine |
Discipline(s) / Subdiscipline(s):
1. Sciences - Biological sciences - Life sciences
2. Medical & Health Sciences - Medicine - Immunology and Microbiology
E-ISSN: 2232-0326 Publisher: UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute Publication type: Electronic Publication frequency: 2 time(s) per year Journal Website:
UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute (UMBI)
7th Floor, Clinical Block
UKM Medical Centre (UKMMC)
Jalan Yaa'cob Latiff, Bandar Tun Razak
56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur
Asia-Pacific Journal of Molecular Medicine (APJMM) is the official journal of the UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute (UMBI). The journal is published on-line and accepts articles about investigations in the field of molecular medicine that advances knowledge in both human biology and pathology at the molecular level. It is the aim of the journal to be a source of information and publication about the findings of molecular medicine in developing nations of the Asia-Pacific region.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Molecular Medicine
Professor Datuk Dr. A Rahman A Jamal
Editorial Board
Managing Editor
Editorial Board
- Professor Dato' Dr. Wan Zurinah Wan Ngah
- Associate Professor Dr. Roslan Harun
International Editor
- Professor Dr. Rodney Scott
- Professor Dr Sultana MH Faradz
Editorial Assistant
IT administrator
- Nur Syuhada Bt Mohd Abd Rasid
Instruction to Author
- Preparation of Manuscripts
Papers should be typed double spaced in A4 format and the pages numbered consecutively. Font should be size 12 in Arial / Times / Times New Roman. The title page should contain the title of the manuscript, names of authors, institutional affiliations of authors, name and address of corresponding author and a short running title (not exceeding 50 characters). The corresponding author should also include his/her full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address.
- Submission of manuscripts
Manuscripts must be original articles not submitted for publication elsewhere. They must be prepared in Microsoft Word 97-2003 document or a later version, which will be converted to PDF files before being sent to reviewers. Manuscripts should be submitted on line using AoMM's on-line submission system.
- References
In the text, references must be cited using numbers (normal font size) in square brackets in the order in which they are mentioned. In the reference list, they should be typed double spaced consecutively using the 'Vancouver' style of references. Examples of reference style are as follows:
- Abdul-Rahman PS, Lim BK, Hashim OH. Expression of high abundance proteins in sera of patients with endometrial and cervical cancers: analysis using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis with silver staining and lectin detection methods. Electrophoresis 2007; 28(12):1989-1996.
- Yong PH, Junit SM, Harun F, Hashim OH. Patients with congenital hypothyroidism demonstrate different altered expression of plasma fibrinogen and haptoglobin polypeptide chains. Clin Biochem 2006; 39:126-132.
- Sies H, Stahl W, Sundquist AR. Antioxidant functions of vitamins E and C, beta-carotene and other carotenoids. In: Sauberlich HE, Machlin LJ eds. Beyond Deficiency. New views on the function and health effects of vitamins. An NY Acad Sci 1992; 669:7-20.
- Greenwald P, Clifford C. Dietary prevention. In: Greenwald P, Kramer BS, Weed DL eds. Cancer prevention and control. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. 1995.
Please do not underline, bold or italicise any part of the references listed.
Manuscript Categories
- Original articles
Original articles should present the results of new, independent findings which have not been reported elsewhere. The articles should have an abstract of 250 words, an Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. A join section of “Results and Discussion” is permitted. An optional Case Report section may be placed after the introduction and before Materials and Methods, if relevant clinical information about one or more patients has to be presented for clarity. Each of these headings must begin on a new page. There should be no more than a total of 5 illustrations (either Tables or figures), and a maximum of 40 references.
- Brief reports
Brief reports are reports of preliminary studies or significant new findings. They should be written in the format of full length papers although not exceeding 1500 words of text with an abstract of 50 words. Illustrations are restricted to two (either figures or tables) and references limited to fifteen.
- Progress and Trends in Molecular Medicine
Articles submitted to this category report recent, innovative developments on the techniques used in molecular medicine. Articles should be prepared using guidelines similar to "Brief reports".
- Review articles
Review articles are usually submitted in response to an invitation from the Editor-in-Chief or members of the Editorial Board. This is usually in the areas of fast growing research, of national interest or in areas of current interest. The article should conform to the format of full length papers. Text should consist of an introduction and appropriately titled subsections.
Abbreviations, symbols and units of measurement
- Contributors should use standard abbreviations, symbols and SI units.
Numbers one to ten should be spelled out in full unless used in conjunction with units (eg 5 ml, 10 mm, six patients). Numbers above ten should be written as 11, 101, 1001, 10 001, no commas or points but spaces in five-figure numbers. Also eg and ie should be printed without stops.
Tables and Figures
- Figures and tables are to be submitted as separate files. We only accept graphics saved as TIFF or JPEG files. Colour reproductions are only available for the on-line version unless cost is met by the contributor. Legends should indicate the figures referred to and be typed consecutively on separate pages of the manuscript.
Each table should have a short descriptive heading with or without footnotes. Please omit internal horizontal and vertical lines in tables.
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