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UUM Journal of Legal Studies

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UUM Journal of Legal Studies


Discipline(s) / Subdiscipline(s):

     1. Social Sciences
         - Law

E-ISSN: 0127-9483
Print ISSN: 2229-984 X
Publisher: UUM Press
Publication type: Print & Electronic
Publication frequency: 1 time(s) per year
Journal Website: http://e-journal.uum.edu.my/index.php/uumjls/

Contact Info

The Managing Editor
UUM Journal of Legal Studies
College of Law, Government and International Studies
06010 UUM Sintok, Kedah Darul Aman

Telephone number : +604-928 4450 / +604-928 8109
E-mail address : uumjls@uum.edu.my / mnazli@uum.edu.my

The UUM Journal of Legal Studies (UUM JLS) was founded in 2010. It is a refereed annual law journal published by the Universiti Utara Malaysia Press. It is a peer-reviewed Journal, providing up-to-date, academic, authoritative and critical analysis of current legal issues in Malaysia and across the globe.

The Journal accepts and publishes comparative, jurisprudential, international, and interdisciplinary materials relevant to law.

Submissions to the Journal are selected for publication on the basis of a double blind peer-review mechanism conducted through an internal and external Article review Board consisting of academics and experts in the field.


Editorial Board

Chief Editor
  • Professor Dr. Asmah Laili Yeon
    Universiti Utara Malaysia
Managing Editor
  • Nor Arpizah Atan
    UUM Press, Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Professor Dr. Hj. Rohimi Hj. Shapiee
    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Professor Dr. Mohsin Hingun
    International Islamic University
  • Professor Dr. Asmadi Mohamed Naim
    Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haidar Dziyauddin
    Universiti Teknologi Mara
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zainal Amin Ayub
    Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alias Azhar
    Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zuryati Mohamed Yusoff
    Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nor Anita Abdullah
    Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Dr. Nazli Mahdzir
    Universiti Utara Malaysia



Most of the manuscripts are submitted at the authors’ initiative but some are solicited by the Editor-in-Chief. The Journal welcomes submissions on all topics concerning legal issues in Malaysia and across the globe. As well as articles on substantive topics, we also welcome review articles and shorter book reviews. Manuscripts relating to common law, civil law or shariah or Islamic law are also welcome. The manuscripts can be written in English or Bahasa Malaysia.

All submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter and a brief abstract. All necessary contact information should also be included.

Submission of manuscripts will be taken to imply that they contain original unpublished material and are not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. Subject to contrary written agreement with the author, copyright in all material accepted for publication will be assigned to Universiti Utara Malaysia Press.

The UUMJLS seeks submission for publication of papers on areas within the law, or related to the law by synthesis with other recognized and scholarly fields. Examples could be (but not be limited to) Law and Semiotics, Law and Psychology, Law and Medicine, Law and Management, Legal Theory, Jurisprudence, Law and Rhetoric, Law and Ethics, Law and Philosophy, Law and Government, Law and Policy, Law and International Studies.

Apart from the information provided above under the ‘Call for Papers’, the UUM Journal of Legal Studies requests that contributors comply with the following standards:

  • Margin:
    The top and bottom margins for the text should be set at 2.54 centimeters. Those for left and right are 2.54 centimeters.

  • Title:
    The title of your paper should be in bold face, each word must be capitalised, single-spaced and centred across the top of the first page using Times New Roman 16pt.

  • Authors:
    The name of author(s), department(s), institution (s), city(s), country(s) and e-mail addres(s) should be centered below the title of the paper with initial caps and with font Times New Roman 12pt. Please state which author is the corresponding author using (*). Submit your paper to mnazli@uum.edu.my at any time.

  • Abstract:
    Abstract should have the following elements, and should be no longer than 300 words: (a) significance, timeliness and purpose of the paper; (b) research question; (c) thesis statement as a theme; (d) methodology, delimitations and artifacts of the argument; (e) structure of the paper’s argument based on the methodology; (f) research outcome. The abstract should have the same structure as the introduction, but not re-use the same wordage. The abstract should be in Times New Roman 10pt font single-line spaced.

  • Main Content:
    The main content should be in Times New Roman 12pt font. Paper should be between 8000 and 10,000 words, excluding footnotes and bibliography. Format Instructions:

  • Headings
    All headings should be in bold face. First-level headings should be left justified and capitalizd using Times New Roman 12pt font. Second-level subheadings should be set flush left with initial caps using Times New Roman 12pt font. Third level heading should be set flush left with initial caps and italic using Times New Roman 12pt font. Please do not use headings other than these three types. At least a one-line space should separate these headings from the preceding text.

  • Body
    All paragraphs should be full-justified. Single-space the body of the paper. All body text should be in font Times New Roman 12pt, 1.5 line-spaced, with a 12pt line-space between paragraphs. This can be set up in the Microsoft Word Paragraph menu. The paper should be about 8000 – 10,000words, excluding footnotes and bibliography. However, larger paper may be accepted. There should be about at least 3 bibliographic entries per 1000 words written. Bibliographic entries should be authoritative. Journal articles cited should be from the most authoritative journals in the field. The UUM JLS encourages qualitative papers.

  • Figures and Tables
    Figures and tables should be placed as close as possible to where they are cited. First-level headings state the table or figure number and may be followed by second-level subheadings.

  • References
    All referencing should be in Oxford referencing style, using footnotes and bibliography. The rules for Oxford Referencing may be obtained at this link: http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/study-support/referencing/oxford .Please do not use “in-text” referencing styles. Substantial and detailed footnotes are encouraged, to demonstrate the author’s depth of scholarship. Use the Microsoft Word software to create footnotes. All footnotes should be in Times New Roman 8pt, justified, single-line-spaced, with no line space between footnotes. All references should be pin-point references where possible. Please add the square-bracketed numbers, as shown below, to each entry.
    1. Ming, J. T. C., Gee, C. S., & Lee, C. L. (2006). Ownership Structure And Corporate Governance: Further Evidence From Malaysia. Banker's Journal Malaysia (130), 21-32.

    2. Roche, J. (2005). Corporate governance in Asia. New York: Routledge.

    Example of paper format can be found at ‘Format for Paper Submission’

  • Submission:
    We strongly encourage contributors to submit their manuscripts through the link in our website. Alternatively, you may still submit via email to the Managing Editor, UUM Journal of Legal Studies (UUM JLS) at mnazli@uum.edu.my.

  • Anonymous Review:
    To facilitate our anonymous review process, please confine your name, affiliation, biographical information, and acknowledgments to a separate cover page. Include the manuscript’s title on the first text page. All articles submitted to the Journal must comply with these instructions. Failure to do so will result in return of the manuscript and possible delay in publication.

  • Copyright:
    Authors of papers accepted for publication in the Journal must agree to transfer copyright to the Universiti Utara Malaysia Press. By submitting their articles to UUM JLS authors agree to let UUM JLS editors copy, edit and modify the articles, and make all arrangements necessary for the publication.

  Journal Coverage

Indexed by MyJurnal (2021)
H-Index 1
Immediacy Index 0.000
Rank 0
Indexed by Scopus 2020
Impact Factor CiteScore (0.2)
Rank Q4 (Law)
Q4 (Sociology and Political Science)
Additional Information SJR (0.164)

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