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Malaysian Journal of Co-operative Studies |
Formerly known as "Malaysian Journal of Co-operative Management (MJCM)" |
Discipline(s) / Subdiscipline(s):
1. Social Sciences - Business & administration - Economics & finance - Education & educational research
Print ISSN: 2600-7290 Publisher: Co-operative Institute of Malaysia Publication type: Print Publication frequency: 1 time(s) per year Journal Website:
Malaysian Journal of Co-operative Studies
Co-operative Institute of Malaysia
103 Jalan Templer
46700 Petaling Jaya
Malaysian Journal of Co-operative Studies (MJCS) formerly known as Malaysian Journal
of Co-operative Management, ISSN: 1823-5387 (MJCM) is published yearly (one issue a
year) by Co-operative Institute of Malaysia. Its main objective is to provide a platform for
the publication of articles based on research, theory and commentaries related to the
management of the co-operative sector and international co-operative movement. Articles
are published in English or Malay.
Sharina Abdullah, Co-operative Institute of Malaysia (CIM)
Editorial Board
- Datuk Mohd Ali Mansor, Co-operative Institute of Malaysia (CIM)
- Mohd Zaib Mat Yunus, Co-operative Institute of Malaysia (CIM)
Chief Editor
- Sharina Abdullah, Co-operative Institute of Malaysia (CIM)
Deputy Chief Editor
- Dr Mohd Shahron Anuar Said, Co-operative Institute of Malaysia (CIM)
Editorial Advisory Board
- Prof. Dr Mohd Rafi Yaacob, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
- Prof. Ts. Dr Mohamad Noorman Masrek, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr Mohd Zainal Munshid Harun, University of Technology Sarawak (UTS)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr Abdul Kadir Othman, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr Jati Kasuma Ali, Universiti Teknologi Mara Sarawak (UiTM)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr Safawi Abdul Rahman, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr Ummi Salwa Ahmad Bustamam, Universiti Islam Sains Malaysia (USIM)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr Nelson Lajuni, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr Cham Tat Huei, UCSI University
- Dr Yusman Yacob, Universiti Teknologi Mara Sarawak (UiTM)
- Dr Nurul Fadly Habidin, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)
- Dr Sharul Effendy Janudin, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)
- Dr Nik Hadiyan Nik Azman, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
- Dr Azlin Shafinaz Mohamad Arshad, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
- Dr Azlina Bujang, Universiti Teknologi Mara Sarawak (UiTM)
- Dr Zurita Mohd Salleh, Co-operative Institute of Malaysia (CIM)
- Dr Hayati Mohd Saleh, Cooperative Tribunal of Malaysia
- Dr Peter Davis, Director, Unit for Membership Based Organisations, School of Management, University of Leicester
- Prof. Dr. P. Malyadri, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, ICSSR Research Institute, India
Managing Editor
- Nor Arma Abu Talib, Co-operative Institute of Malaysia (CIM)
- Zaharatul Laili Zakaria, Co-operative Institute of Malaysia (CIM)
Terms of Reference
- Malaysian Journal of Co-operative Studies is published once a year. Its main objective is to provide a platform for the exchange of information and publication of articles based on research, original ideas and commentaries related to the management of the co-operative sector. The journal publishes articles written in Malay and English language.
Submission Format
- Articles should be formatted on an A4 size paper. Article may vary in length not more than 25 pages (including endnotes, references, supporting exhibits and any appendices).
- All pages should have 1.0 inch (2.5 cm) margins at all edges. All text (main body, references, titles) are aligned left using Times New Roman, font 12 with 1.5 spacing.
- Authors should submit two (2) copies of their articles. Alternatively, submissions may be made in the form of Ms. Word files by email to the Chief Editor.
- Authors are required to include a cover page indicating the title of the article, name(s), designation(s), organizational affiliation, address, contact numbers and email addresses.
- Only original contributions will be accepted and copyright of published papers will be vested in the publisher.
- An abstract not exceeding 200 words should be enclosed at the beginning of the text. The abstract should provide a statement of the purpose and procedures of the study including major conclusion of the research. Keywords for each abstract must be included (3-5 keywords)
- Authors are also encouraged to break the text into heading and subheadings to Introduction, Problem Statement, Objective of the Study, Literature Review, Research Methodology, Analysis & Findings and Recommendations & Conclusion.
- Complicated tables and photographic material should be including explanation. Endnotes should be kept to a minimum.
- References should be complete and place at the end of the article using Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA style).
- Article submitted to the journal will be initially screened by the Chief Editor to determine its appropriateness. Those considered inappropriate for any reason will be returned to the author(s).
- Only those article considered appropriate by the Chief Editor will be refereed. Editorial Advisory Board members as well as additional appointed expert will then review the articles to ascertain suitability for publication.
- The review process may take between 6 to 8 weeks after which proofs will be sent to authors if major changes or improvements need to be made. The editors reserve the right to make minor adjustments and will seek to ensure that the general meaning is not changes thereby.
- Honorarium will be paid to authors whose articles are successfully published.
Manuscript submission should be sent to:
Chief Editor
Malaysian Journal of Co-operative Studies
Centre of Research
Cooperative Institute of Malaysia
103, Jalan Templer
46700 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: 03-7964 9000
Email : or
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