COACHING JOURNAL is published twice a year by the National Coaching Academy, National Sports Institute of Malaysia. This journal purposely to keep the coaches abreast of the latest developments in coaching related areas of interests. The ranging of topics was from academic to on field applied areas of interest. It can be an original research, technical commentary, knowledge base update or even associate report; as long it is related to coaching - it will be considered.
Coaching Journal
Dr. Lim Boon Hooi
All articles submitted must be in English.
It should be straight forward and easy to understand. The methods and statistic section need not to be too detailed. It is alright to use previous published word with the relevant permissions acquired. More importantly, instead of a general conclusion please add a section “Practical Application for Coaches”. In this section, explain hoe coaches can utilize the content of your article in their everday work. We also recommend that you highlight import lines/ paragraphs in your article. As with any printed work, please cite the relevant sources should the article include any external content/ picture/ table/ figures.
Arial, 11 pts, single spacing
Justified alignment, margins 2.54cm all around (letter)
Title is Bold, include the affiliations under it.
Reference Citation in text is (numbered) – Notes style, Vancouver
Include a picture of the first author and his profile (Academic Qualification and present Occupation)