Dr. Goh Hong Ching
The Journal of Design and Built Environment is a free open access publication of the Faculty of the Built Environment, University of Malaya. The journal aims to publish original papers concerned with the general area of tropical built environment and related topics. The journal also aims to present to the international community important research, development and design issues in the tropical built environment. The scope of the journal would be broad and will encompass all activities of the built environment.
We welcome original research papers not previously published, unpublished versions or extended conference papers, application and design studies, comparative case studies, reviews of architectural and building works, and survey articles. Manuscripts have been subjected to the screening for plagiarism and blind peer review processes prior to publication.
Architects, Builders, Building Surveyors, Quantity Surveyors, Real Estate professionals, Engineers, Policy makers, Students and Researchers in Built Environment, Building Science and Engineering in institutions of higher learning.
Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the journal, papers should be written for the professional and academic audience that may have either general or specific interest in the topics.
Papers will be published in English.
This journal uses e-submission method which requires all contributors to register/logging into Manuscript Central System
There is no article processing charge (APC) or submission charge for submission and publication in this journal. All submission and publication in this journal is free.
The preferred length for articles is around 5,000 words. However, shorter contributions will be welcomed and longer articles may be considered for publication. Manuscripts should be typed in double-spacing on one side of A4-sized paper with 1.5-inch margin on the left, using 10-point regular Times New Roman font. The pages should be numbered consecutively.
(a) The first page
The first page should show the title, author(s), affiliation, country and e-mail address(es) in the style as follows:
Title : 15-pt bold Times New Roman, justified
Author(s) : 11-pt bold Times New Roman, align left
Affiliation and Country : 10-pt regular Times New Roman, align left
E-mail address : 10-pt regular Times New Roman, align left, underlined
The first page should also contain an abstract of not more than 200 words and up to five keywords to facilitate indexing. The abstract should summarise the objectives, main findings and conclusions of the paper.
(b) References
Only references which are cited in the text should be included in the Reference List. the APA Style reference system is adopted for the journal. Please refer to guidelines presented in http://www.apastyle.org for details for submissions.. References within the text will be shown in bracket by quoting first, the author’s name followed by a comma and year of publication all in round bracket, e.g. (Salim, 2003).
References should appear at the end of the article, arranged in alphabetical order by the first author’s surname as follows:
For books: surname, initials, (year), title, publisher, place of publication
For journals: surname, initials, (year), title, journal, volume, number, pages
For conference papers: surname, initials, (year), “title”, conference name, place, pages
Pescod, M. B. (1989), Environmental Engineering, Wiley, London Pescod, M. B. and Mara, D. (1987), Sewage Treatment, In Pescod, M. B. (Ed), Water and Wastewater Treatment, Wiley, London. pp 135-155 (1987)
Wakeman, R. A. (1989), Ultrasonic Cleaning of Membrane Processes, Journal of Membrane Science, 3(2):34-41
Conference Paper
Suleyman, A. M. (1999), Use of Morringa Oleifera as Coagulant in Water Treatment, Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Treatment, Sarawak, Malaysia, pp 139-145
(c) Figures, tables and captions
Figures and tables must be included within the text rather than grouped at the end of the paper. Captions should be centred with respect to figures and tables and numbered consecutively. Table headings must be placed above tables, and figure captions placed underneath figures.
To facilitate clear reproduction, all photographs and images must be sent in their originals and cited the original sources.
Submission of a manuscript implies a commitment to publish in this journal. Simultaneous submission to other journals is unacceptable. Previously published work, or work which is substantially similar to previously published work, is ordinarily not acceptable. If in doubt about these requirements, contact the editors.
Contributors are usually notified within 12 weeks whether their manuscripts have been accepted. If changes are required, authors are furnished with comments from the editors and the international review board. The editors are responsible for all final decisions on editorial changes. The editors reserve the right to copy-edit and proof all articles accepted for publication without prior consultation with contributing authors.
All enquiries and submission of the manuscripts should be addressed to:
Dr. Nazli Che Din
Journal of Design and Built Environment
Faculty of Built Environment
University of Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03-7967 7812
Fax: + 603 7967 7354
E-mail : jdbe@um.edu.my