Discipline(s) / Subdiscipline(s):
1. Arts & Humanities - Languages & linguistics - Literature - Philosophy - Religion
2. Social Sciences - Anthropology - Business & administration - Cultural and ethnic studies - Economics & finance - Education & educational research - Geography - Library and Information Science - Political science - Psychology - Sociology - Media & communication
3. Engineering & Technology - Computer sciences
E-ISSN: 2462-2508 Print ISSN: 2462-2508 Publisher: Al-Madinah International University Publication type: Electronic Publication frequency: 4 time(s) per year Journal Website: http://ojs.mediu.edu.my/index.php/arrasikhun/
Pusat Perdagangan Salak II, No, 18-G, Jalan 2/125e, Taman Desa Petaling, 57100 Kuala Lumpur Phone: 0122826783 Email: arrasikhun.journal@mediu.edu.my
Arrasikhun journal is published by Al-Madinah International University (four issues a year). it conains articles on History, Languages linguistics, Literature, Philosophy, Religion, Business administration, Economics finance, Education educational research, Library and Information Science, Political science, Psychology and Sociology. The primary purpose of this journal is to act as a channel for the publication of research workundertaken at journal institution as well as other institutions.